Sunday, February 17, 2008

Snow in Athens 17-18/2/08

Presentation SNOW IN ATHENS You can click on the above picture to see
the presentation "SNOW IN ATHENS"

We could listen to Night Ride Across The Caucasus by Loreena McKennitt (Music & Lyrics)
In the velvet of the darkness
By the silhouette of silent trees
They are watching, they are waiting
They are witnessing life's mysteries

Find the answers, ask the questions
Find the roots of an ancient tree
Take me dancing, take me singing
I'll ride on till the moon meets the sea.


optativa said...

hello friends, i'm writting in "el prat" i hope you'll have a great time here in catalonia. I hope to meet you in two months. we've had a lot of problems whith our blog, but now we'll upload jobs every week as long as the blog works OK.

see ya

In_ Athens said...

Hello! We are looking at your new posts.Everything is nice!

We thank you for the information about Barcelona, Catalonia, Gaudi.